Dyschoriste oblongifolia
Family:  Acanthus (Acanthaceae)
Host Plant

Host plant to:  Buckeye


Herbaceous perennial

Soil:  Sandy, well-drained soil

Water:  Drought tolerant once established

Light:  Full sun to partial shade

Mature size:  8" tall

Propagation:  Seed, division

A very low-growing groundcover with soft green leaves and small, five-lobed flowers of a delicate lavender color dotted with purple.  Re-seeds readily and will spread to cover an area.  It's virtually carefree, thriving without fertilizer and very little water.  Does not completely die back in winter, it does become dormant though, the leaves take on a rusty color and plants become less vigorous.
Closely related to Ruellia (Mexican petunia), also a host plant for the Buckeye.