Salvia lyrata
Family:  Mint (Labiacea)

Often shows up in yards as volunteers.  Perennial wildflower that blooms year-round, the light purple blossoms appear most profusely in spring.   Bottom lip on flower is an excellent 'landing pad' for bees and butterflies.

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Flowers:  April-June

Habitat:  Sandy, open woods and thickets

Height:  2 feet

Habitat:  Roadsides, sandy, disturbed areas

Propogation:  Seed

Hardiness:  Zones 6-10

Bloom is a purple-blue two-lipped flower, clustered in whorls around a square stem.   Whorls of 3-10 lavender-blue flowers surround the square stem in a spike-like cluster, which grows 1-2'.  Leaves are a basal rosette, up to 8" long, deeply lobed into rounded segments.