Purslane and Portulaca (Rose Moss)
Portulaca oleracea and grandiflora
Purslane (Portulacaceae) family

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Purslane oleracea and an unknown variety of Purslane - It just grew in my butterfly garden.

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Portulaca (Rose Moss)


Portulacaceae are herbs, often succulent, with delicate flowers born singly or in branched inflorescences.  Flowers only open in sun, close at night.
Purslane is a sprawling plant with smooth, thick, fleshy, reddish stems.   Branches reach 12" long.  Native throughout the US, this well-known weed can become quite a pest in gardens during hot weather, but is easily pulled out.  It was at one time valued as a salad plant and potherb because its iron content is exceptionally high.
Portulaca is a prostrate, fleshy, branching plant with small pink, purple, red, or yellow flowers.  Reaches only about 2-8" high.  Was introduced from South America and is a popular garden annual which often escapes cultivation.


Light:  Full sun

Propagation:  Seeds, spring sow where they grow.  Need light to germinate, surface sow in well drained soil.   Keep 70-85 degrees, germination occurs in 14-21 days.

Soil and Fertility:  Dry, sandy soil of low fertility.  Give it the toughest place in the garden, where nothing else will grow.

Hardiness:  All over the US

Great nectar plant.  One of those "cantkillitdigitouttatheshrubgardenandplantitinthebutterflygarden" kinda plants.   I am always pulling them out of the 'wrong' places and replanting them in the butterfly garden.


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