Aristolochis spp.
Family:  Birthwort (Aristolochiaceae)
Host Plant

Host to:  Pipevine Swallowtails, Polydamas Swallowtails


Climbing vine

Soil:  Well-drained soil, moderately drought tolerant once established

Light:  Full sun to light shade

Mature size:  To 30'

Flowers: in summer

Propogation:  Seed

Most pipevines lose their deep green, heart-shaped leaves each winter.  vigorous climbers, they may require pruning during summer to prevent their becoming rampant.   Twining and turning, seeking the light, they can take intense munching dished out by hordes of pipevine and polydamas swallowtail caterpillars.  They can be grown from seed, either started in pots and transplanted to the ground, or maintained in pots.

Wooly pipevine (A. tomentosa) is native to the Fla Panhandle and points north, growingi n moist forests.  It has small, greenish or purplish flowers and fuzzy leaves.  Duchman's pipe (A. maxima) has large flowers and is cultivated widely.  A native of tropical America it may be grown in frost-free areas of central and south Fla.  Non-native pipevines are potentially invasive, so it's preferable to keep them contained in pots.