Lantana depressia
Verbenaceae (Verbina) family

LantanaPink.jpg (81919 bytes)  LantanaYellow.jpg (78285 bytes)

  Lantana (the two colors in my garden)      

Lantana is a woody shrub with small flowers that attract a number of butterfly species.  They tend to become leggy with age, so prune them back now and then to keep them bushy.  Grows well in hanging baskets or containers

Several species of Lantana grow wild in Florida, and there is some disagreement over which are truly natives.  The weedy L. camera with bright yellow and red flowers and poisonous fruit, is common to waste areas, but is not native.  Native range is from the southern US to tropical America.  Find them in open clearings in woods, along roadsides and coastal dunes.


Light:  Full sun

Propagation:  Seeds, or cuttings taken in summertime.  Soak seeds 24 hours in hot water.  Sow 1/8 inches in peaty soil.  Seeds will germinate best if sown in a maintained temperature of 70-75 degrees F.  Germinates in 42-60 days.

Soil and Fertility:  Well-drained soil, drought resistant.  Too much water and fertilizer will reduce bloom (actually, I never fertilize mine)

Hardiness:  Zone 8-11.   Likes both humid and dry heat.  Lantana is killed at 28 degrees F, but quickly grows back.

Has an unpleasant smell (like cat pee), but makes up for that by being covered with butterflies from spring to fall.


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