get in over your head. You can't raise them all! Stick with one or two
caterpillars. The best caterpillars for kids to raise is a Monarch or a Black
Swallowtail. Unless you have LOTS of milkweed to feed the Monarch caterpillars,
stick to the Black Swallowtail. They eat a more common plant that's more easily
Monarchs will only eat plants in the Milkweed family. There are over 100
varieties available, and grow in many wild places
throughout the US. Monarch cats are big eaters and poopers. The chrysalis is
really pretty, and you can tell before the butterfly emerges, because the skin of the
chrysalis will become clear, and you can see the wing markings through it.
Black Swallowtail caterpillars eat
plants in the Umbellifer family. This includes parsley, dill, fennel, even carrots
(the green tops). If you don't have these plants in an herb garden, you can easily
go to the nursery and buy these herbs. This caterpillar is really cool - it has a
'scent horn' that sticks out of its head when disturbed. They are eating, pooping
machines (like most other caterpillars.) The chrysalis will be either green or
brown, depending on the conditions where it pupates. It, too, will become
transparent just before the butterfly emerges.
You can use plastic 'critter holders' or aquariums. I buy mine at Walmart,
from the fish/hamster dept. You can also use a large plastic container, with a big hole cut
in the top for air. Put a piece of nylon screening under the lid so the caterpillars
won't escape. Make sure your container is large enough to hold plenty of food and
the cats. You must clean it out EVERY day, get rid of the poop and old food.
Give them fresh food daily (maybe even 2 or 3 times.)
If the container is tall enough, you can set a small potted plant in the container
and let the
caterpillars eat directly from the plant. Or you can clip leaves or branches off the
plant and place them inside. You can also use a small bowl (like a butter bowl),
place wet sand inside and put the lid back on. Poke holes in the lid, big enough to
put stems through into the wet sand. This will keep your parsley or milkweed
clippings fresh, allowing them to stand up in the container. You can probably get a
better look at the caterpillars this way.
Your caterpillar will take about 10 - 14 days to turn into a chrysalis (from the
day it hatches). It will shed its skin (molt) several
times during these days. The times between molts is called an 'instar'. Often
the caterpillar will change its look after molting. A baby Black Swallowtail
caterpillar is black with a white 'saddle', but the big one is green, white, and yellow.
The Swallowtail will 'clean its guts' just before it readies for the next stage in
life. You'll see a big, yucky, poopy mess in the bottom of the container, and it
will stop eating, and start wondering around, looking for a place to pupate.
You will need to provide your caterpillar the proper place to 'hang out' as a
chrysalis, and different species have
different needs. A Monarch will hang in a "J" position for a day before
shedding its skin for the last time. It needs a place near the top of the cage, so
that it has enough room to hang upside down. They usually hang from the netting on
top of the cage. A Black Swallowtail will lean back after spinning a
'girdle' around its midsection. Its feet will be stuck in a silk pad, and this along
with the girdle will hold it in place. A slanting twig or stick will work for the
Black Swallowtail.
 After molting
for the last time, they will stay in the chrysalis form for 10-14 days. If you
disturb the Black Swallowtail chrysalis, it will move its tail in an attempt to scare you
away. The Monarch chrysalis is a beautiful green jewel, with gold specks decorating it. The Black Swallowtail chrysalis
will either be brown or green, and will blend in with its surroundings.
About a day before emergence, you'll see a wonderful
change in the chrysalis. They will become
transparent, as the pigmentation begins to appear in the pupal skin. You can see the
wing patterns through the skin! Normally, most butterflies emerge early in the
morning, between 5:00 and 10:00. This will be your best bet to watch as the
butterfly emerges. It's almost like it crawls out of bed from a long sleep.
It's wings will be very small and rumpled, but as it hangs and dries, the wings will
stretch out and look normal.
When the sun is out, and your butterfly is more active, it's time to
release it! If you just put your finger directly in front of its face, along the
container, it will usually crawl onto your finger. Sometimes it will fly off the
finger soon as its clear of the container, or you can put it right up next to a flower,
and it will crawl onto it. Put it in a good, sunny spot.

PARENTS: Never allow a child to raise a
stinging caterpillar! "Safe" caterpillars include Sulphurs, Painted
Ladies, Swallowtails, Gulf Fritillaries, or most butterflies. It's usually
the moth caterpillars that sting. Caterpillars are delicate creatures, too much (or
rough) handling can kill them or damage internal organs. Don't disturb caterpillars
preparing to pupate, do not UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCE attempt to move it!!!
Once it's attached itself, leave it alone. If you gather one from the wild,
instead of picking the caterpillar from the plant, clip the twig its on, and place the
whole twig in the container, allowing it to crawl on its own to the new food.